Basic Rules:
1. Hacking of any kind will NOT be tolerated, the clan will be disqualified.
2. Glitching will NOT be tolerated, glitching player will be suspended for a full round.
3. NO double switching, any double switching will result in a -5 Point penalty.
4. Excessive verbal abuse will result in a MUTE. It's ok to have fun, but don't let it get too serious.
5. .45 Machinegun will be blocked, due to the ballistics glitch.
6. Winning clan will take $50 that will be transfered VIA PAYPAL.
7. All the wars will be played in our Atlanta Server, with the antics file loaded to your system.
Server NameTeam|M³X|.NeT!
Server IP
8. The wars will be played with UAC3 ON, any discrepancies will result in an investigation. Any user that doesn't upload there picture's will be suspended and must be replaced by another clan member. Any player with a low number of scans will be replaced by another member until his issue is fixed. 0 Toleration.
9. War details will be posted soon.(FORUM)
10. Every member that is part of the tournament will and must be part of the tournament community.
11. The tournament will be played on a weekend, Any clan that is NOT ready will lose their chance to win $50 and the trophy. We will communicate VIA xfire.
12. Once registered, and accepted to be part of the tournament. We will give you our word that this is going to be as fair as possible, read the tournament structure for more details.
Reglas Basicas
1.No toleraremos ninguna clase de hacking, El clan que lo haga sera descalificado.
2.Glitching (bugs) de cualquier tipo no seran tolerados y el jugador que lo haga sera suspendido por una ronda.
3.double switching sera sancionado con -5 puntos.
4.Abuso verbal excesivo resultara en MUTE al jugador, esta bien divertirse pero no se lo tomen muy enserio.
5.Ametralladora .45 estara bloquiada debido a falla balistica.
6.El clan ganador se llevara $50 que se le transferiran via paypal.
7.Todas las wars se jugaran en nuestro server localizado en Atlanta con el anti-cheat antics.
Server NameTeam|M³X|.NeT!
Server IP
8.Las wars se jugaran con UAC3 activado, cualquier discrepancia resultara en una investigacion, cualquier usuario que no suba las fotos de UAC3 sera suspendido y tendra que ser reemplazado con otro jugador del clan.
9.Los detalles de las wars seran posteadas en foro |M3X|.
10.Todo miembro que es parte del torneo tendra que ser parte de la comunidad en xfire.
11.El torneo sera se jugara un fin de semana, cualquier clan que no este listo a la hora de jugar perdera la oportunidad de ganarse los $50 y el trofeo. Nos comunicaremos por medio de xfire.
12.Una ves registrado y aceptado para ser parte del torneo, les damos nuestra palabra que sera JUSTO lo mas posible que podamos, lee la estructura del torneo para mas informacion.
Inscripcion Gratuita
Patrocinado Squad N1